Cockpit Dril

Whenever you get into a car, prior to moving off, you must carry out your cockpit drill.  This involves checking your handbrake is on, gearstick is in neutral, all doors are shut correctly, adjusting your seat, seatbelt, steering wheel height, and finally your mirrors.

This is to ensure that you are comfortable, can reach all the controls with ease and have good all round vision.

Remember:  If you FAIL TO PREPARE, then you should PREPARE TO FAIL.


Anticipation is a crucial part of driving.

With good anticipation you can avoid getting into potentially dangerous situations, because you can adjust your driving to compensate for another drivers actions which you have anticipated.

An example is………… why is the oncoming car close to the centre of the road, yet not indicating right.  The chances are he has forgotten to signal, or there is a fault on his indicators.  You anticipate that he may turn across you and you adjust your speed accordingly.

When the car sweeps across the road in front of you, it doesn’t catch you unawares and once more you have kept yourself, and others, safe.

Another great result!


Separation distance

Remember!  In wet conditions it can take twice as long to stop as in dry conditions.

In dry conditions, use the 2 second rule.  As the vehicle in front passes a reference point, (a bridge or road sign for example), say to yourself; “Only a fool breaks the 2 second rule.”  If you have already passed the referne point you are too close and you need to gradually increase the gap to the car in front.


Correct road positioning

To maintain the correct road position, position your car approximately 1 metre from the left hand kerb. Look at the left hand kerb to see where it appears in the windscreen and take a reference point, such as your windscreen wiper or washer jet.  To maintain your position, simply line up your reference point with the line of the kerb.  Result – Perfect road position every time.